Saturday, July 21, 2007

Update on me

Things have been so hectic these days. I can't seem to find the time to keep up with my Project 365 group anymore. Don't get me wrong, I am still taking pictures. Lots of pictures. I just haven't had the time to dedicate to the weekly themes.

I have been scheduled every weekend taking children's portraits from July - September. Every weekend I have something going on. Word of mouth has traveled fast, and my rates are cheap considering I am trying to build my portfolio. (Honestly, the last 2 sessions have been pro bono). I'm glad I a doing them, as I have learned so much just from those 2 session. I decided that as of mid-August, I am no longer accepting pro-bono shoots. My rates are VERY cheap, though. I have a package for $40 with no sitting fee. I need to weed out those who wouldn't be interested unless they are free, as I am feeling overwhelmed with the lack of time I seem to have for myself these days.

Weekends are spend shooting pictures. Evenings (all week) are spent post processing those photos. It's tough. I love doing it, but it's hard to keep up somedays.

That being said, check out my new website:

1 comment:

Sher Johnson said...

you need to charge more for your yourself and your are worth it.
